Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Kia Sportage Green Transponder Key 100% Immobilizer OFF / Kia Sportage 晶片锁匙防盗系统 100% 解除

这辆Kia Sportage 的晶片锁匙发不动车子。车主只好拖来托我们为他解决这问题。
我们开始从汽车ECU (引擎控制单元) 一步一步解密。
现在只用普通无晶片锁匙也能发动车子啦 !感恩!

The car owner was unable to use his existing Kia Sportage Green Transponder key to start his car.
He towed his car to our shop to request us to help to solve the problem. And he also wishes to have Immobilizer OFF for his car.
At first, we are not 100% sure we can disable the anti theft system.
However, after spending nearly 2 weeks time, finally, we managed to understand its structure and
we started to decode the immobilizer system.
At last, we managed to disable the anti theft system and take away the immobilizer box.
And now, we can use a normal Kia key (without transponder) to turn on the car .
Thank God !  I love you !

The car ECU

Take away the immobilizer coil and disable the anti theft system

车子顺利发动 !
Car starts successfully !

Take shots of the immobilizer box and coil

Kia ShinChang 防盗盒
Kia SHINCHANG Immobilizer box

Immobilizer coil

Thanks for using our service.

请联络我们。希望能帮到您 !
If you do encounter the above Kia Sportage problems, and also wish to disable the anti theft system,
kindly contact us, we do hope we can assist you !

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